
Version 7 (modified by Robert Bostedt, 6 years ago) (diff)


My open tickes (action points)

Ticket Summary Priority Component
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All open tickets (action points)

Ticket Summary Priority Component
#15 Periodo Lavori 10-17 Settembre 2018 very low Italy/Trust
#16 Oppilaiden kuljetus very low Finland/Kuljetukset
#19 Verbale Riunione Trust - 30 Settembre 2018 very low Italy/Trust
#21 Sobhana kurssin käännöstyöt listattuna very low Finland/Käännökset
#23 Verbale Riunione Trust - 18 Novembre 2018 very low Italy/Trust
#33 Impianti elettrici very low Italy/Trust
#57 Verbale Riunione Trust - 27 Gennaio 2019 very low Italy/Trust
#58 Test ticket garden very low Dicca/造園
#59 メッターデー用に、タブレットを数台購入する。 very low Dicca/Trust
#60 センターで、小委員会の会議を行う日を、年に数回設ける。 very low Dicca/Trust
#61 test course management very low Dicca/コース運営
#62 Test household very low Dicca/家政台所
#63 test maintenance very low Dicca/施設管理
#64 emergency test very low Dicca/災害対策
#65 gs-host test very low Dicca/各地瞑想会
#66 ltds test very low Dicca/長期滞在者PJチーム
#67 children course test very low Dicca/子どもコース
#68 it test very low Dicca/IT
#69 outreach test very low Dicca/広報
#73 奉仕者案内PJチーム very low Dicca/奉仕者案内
#74 将来建築する厨房棟の設備の計画 very low Dicca/家政台所
#75 衛生管理の観点から必要と思われる改善ヶ所 very low Dicca/家政台所
#76 現厨房の入り口の男女の分離について very low Dicca/家政台所
#77 手洗い場・野菜専用シンクの設置について very low Dicca/家政台所
#78 現厨房に導入できそうなものの検証と予算組み very low Dicca/家政台所
#79 建設ダーナ募集方法の見直し very low Dicca/広報
#80 定額ダーナのWEB受付システムについて very low Dicca/マスタープラン
#81 経理財務チームからの報告 very low Dicca/マスタープラン
#82 「数字の末尾が 1 円となるようにしてください。」のやり方について very low Dicca/マスタープラン
#83 生徒無利息ローンの扱いについて very low Dicca/マスタープラン
#84 ダンマーディッチャの建設ダーナ専用の募集ページを設置する。 very low Dicca/広報
#85 建設ダーナと受水槽ダーナの種類分けについて very low Dicca/マスタープラン
#86 ダーナの告知方法について very low Dicca/マスタープラン
#87 トラックの運用について very low Dicca/奉仕者案内
#18 Acquisto nuova Dhamma Car low Italy/Trust
#71 Have English-Russian-Estonian translations available for managers low Estonia/Course and Registration
#8 Example: Looking for course-site neutral Ukraine/course- and registration
#24 Only have the Menu for 5 days and then repeat. neutral Estonia/Kitchen
#26 Day 0 Signs neutral Estonia/Information
#27 Campus Signs neutral Estonia/Information
#28 Course & Household Signs neutral Estonia/Information
#29 Kitchen Signs neutral Estonia/Information
#31 Metta Day Posters neutral Estonia/Information
#32 Metta Day Signs neutral Estonia/Information
#35 Storage Bags for valuables and phones neutral Estonia/Course and Registration
#37 Modify the Registration Manual neutral Estonia/Course and Registration
#40 Build Backrests neutral Estonia/Household
#42 Make a First Aid kit neutral Estonia/Household
#43 Dhamma Phone + SIM card neutral Estonia/Course and Registration
#44 Dishwashing Manual neutral Estonia/Kitchen
#45 Layouts of Dining rooms neutral Estonia/Kitchen
#46 Donation business card neutral Estonia/Finance and Legal
#47 Meditation Benches neutral Estonia/Household
#49 Layout of Parking Lots neutral Estonia/Course and Registration
#50 How to get to Roosta? neutral Estonia/Course and Registration
#51 Ambulance, pharmacy, hospital neutral Estonia/Course and Registration
#52 INFO in student Houses neutral Estonia/Information
#53 Box for Office Supplies neutral Estonia/Household
#54 Having a 3-Day before the 10-day course neutral Estonia/Course and Registration
#70 Work out an efficient process to manage students' requests neutral Estonia/Course and Registration
#72 Make a cleaning and replenishment schedule for common area and toilets neutral Estonia/Household
#9 Example: Meny changes day 9 high Ukraine/kitchen
#20 Fondo per eventuale pagamento tassa di soggiorno - gruppo sud high Italy/Trust
#22 acquisto forno high Italy/CasaCucina
#34 Visit to Roosta high Estonia/Course and Registration
#36 Modify the Orientation Talk high Estonia/Course and Registration
#56 MTÜ Vipassana Estonia - Charity status high Estonia/Finance and Legal
#30 Daily INFO Boards very high Estonia/Information
#38 Order new Meditation Mats and Cushions very high Estonia/Household
#39 Order/make Covers and Toppers for mats and cushions. very high Estonia/Household
#41 Design & Build Dhamma Seats very high Estonia/Household
#48 Layout of the Dhamma Hall very high Estonia/Course and Registration
#55 Vipassana Estonia website ( very high Estonia/Information
#88 次回会議の日程 very high Dicca/奉仕者案内
#11 Uusi kurssipaikka 2019 critical Finland/Hallinto
#13 Abrahaminkatu vuokralaisen haku critical Finland/Ryhmäistunnot
#25 Design guidelines for SIGNS critical Estonia/Information

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